Title of this article says everything that you are going to find in this content. Each car lovers has a dream to drive racing car like Bugatti Veyron at least once during his life but they hardly get chance by considering the price of this luxury price of @1700000. This buck look likes a small cup of coffee for those people who love and enjoy the driving dangerously.
Bugatti Veyron is considered as the worlds fastest speed car which has top speed of 408km/h. Also it is very popular for its look and special features installed in it.
Apart from this, peoples have confusion and various questions related to speed of the car, engine, transmission, steering, suspension and the most frequent the braking system of the car. Obviously the question relating the brake is arise in mind when you heard that the top speed of the car is 408 km/h. Veyron achieves the top speed from 0 within the seconds. From this, it is also obvious that the braking force required is very high and as quick as the speed achieved to stop the car from the speed of the almost above then the 300 km/h.
Braking system installed in vehicle is depending upon its use for example; braking system for personal vehicle will be different from the one used on racing car and so on. As the Veyron belongs to the high speed sports car, it uses air brake which is also used in all locomotives.
Bugatti Veyron uses carbon fibre reinforced silicon carbide cross drilled, radially vented brakes. The front discs are made up of light weight aluminum alloy having eight pistons inside the caliper where as rear brakes are made up of titanium having six pistons.
Again the question rise in your mind that why this injustice with the rear brake means it got only six piston compare to the eight of the front. The reason is simple, when you applied the brake entire mass of body plus vehicle plus the force acting on the vehicle comes at the front side of the vehicle, so load on the front wheels increases and required more amount of force compare to the front. This work is done with the help of eight pistons.
In short the braking system of racing cars will have different mechanism and braking parts that are being used on other personal cars.
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